Why I Refuse to Consume Business and Entrepreneurship Content on Social Media

On Wednesday, I was on Liz Wolfe’s weekly Mindset Reset Community Call and she mentioned that there’s no right way to build and run a business.

I think that’s very true, and my belief in that grows stronger as I meet more business owners and spend more time in the marketing industry.

And if I had to point fingers, I’d blame the content that people put out in the business and entrepreneurship community of the Internet.

They tell you that you should do this.

Don’t do that.

If you want to be successful, build these habits.

Get rid of these “bad” habits.

If you want to build a six or seven figure business, follow this exact system. You see a lot of social media ads and YouTube videos that’ll say something along the lines of this.

And when people are constantly being exposed to these types of content, eventually they’ll start to question their own way of doing things. That maybe they’re doing things wrong, which is simply not true.

As I’m exposing myself to new things and meeting new people, I’m slowly starting to learn that the “right” things are the things that fit the way you want to run your business and your lifestyle.

An example.

I remember someone told me a story that his friend’s dad runs a restaurant, but he also does all the bookkeeping and accounting work. The man never went to college so he never learned the proper way of doing that work. So he came up with his own way of keeping track of the restaurant’s finances.

It’s far from perfect, looks disorganized to other people, but it helps him get the job done. And this applies to email marketing as well.

The way I write my emails and how often I send them out is not the right way, but I have fun writing this way, so it’s right for me.

And so if you’d like to learn how to write in this way too, click the link below and get the sample chapters of my $20 retail value book, How to Become an Email Titan.

