What I Learned Since My Last Birthday (2022 Edition)

I don’t expect you to know this, but this past weekend was a special weekend.

It marked another anniversary where I successfully escaped my mother’s womb to begin the journey of building my own empire that is life.

Yes, I know. That was a ridiculous way of saying it’s my birthday. But, hey, gotta have a little fun here.

Anyways, following last year, I’m going to share with you a few things I learned since my last birthday.

And these things can be about anything. Copywriting, life, whatever. So let’s start.

1. Context matters

One of the biggest copywriting lessons that I learned since I started the job I’m at right now is that my way of writing email copy is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Because it’s so personality driven, it works best for personal brand businesses, or businesses where there is a ‘face.’ But that’s not the case for typical American corporations.

2. Alcohol

For the longest time, I never really understood why alcohol has always been such a huge thing when it comes to social settings. But as I attended more social gatherings and happy hours, I finally began to understand. The way I see it, it serves as a tool to bond with people. And I’ve also seen the effects unfold over time between co-workers in real time. It’s quite fascinating.

3. Enjoy the little things

It isn’t new when I say that a lot of people are miserable worrying about things they have no control over or generally look at the glass as half empty. Part of me doesn’t blame them since we recently went through two years of quarantine. But it does wonders when you sit down and consciously think about the good things that are going on in your life. Hug a tree, smell a flower, pet a cat. The fact that we’re even alive is a miracle (Just search up the probability of us being born).

4. Keep your world small

I once heard an offhand comment that us humans are not meant to know everything that’s going on around the world, which is exactly what the media does for us. Throughout my early years, I was told that reading or watching the news is something I should do because that’s how I’ll stay informed.

Well, what exactly does it mean to stay informed? More specifically, what should we stay informed on?

Should I really be spending my energy to keep up with the Kardashians? Do I really need to know that someone got stabbed in another town? Why do I need to know what politicians are up to nowadays?

I’d rather stay informed on things that might have a more direct effect on me.

For example, food I should avoid eating, tips on saving money or making more money, how to be more productive, etc.

In other words, I’m keeping my world small by cutting all the chaos out.

It reminds me of that one scene in Man of Steel.

Young Clark Kent was in school. When his teacher asked him a question, he began getting sensory overload. He was seeing through people’s bodies, hearing the pencil taps, the ticking clock. Feeling overwhelmed, he ran out of the classroom and hid in a janitor’s closet, refusing to let anyone in, including his own mother when she came to help.

So she asked,

“Sweetie. How can I help you if you won’t let me in?”

To which he replied,

“The world’s too big, mom.”

“Then make it small. Just focus on my voice. Pretend it’s an island out in the ocean. Can you see it?”

“I see it.”

“Then swim towards it, honey.”

Well, I think that’s enough for tonight.
