How Was Your Labor Day Weekend?

Was it nice?



Mine was great too, thank you for asking. In fact, let me share with you what happened.

It actually wasn’t too eventful.

I didn’t party, I didn’t see any friends. In fact, I spent a lot of time on podcasts and other content from content creators that I’ve been following for years.

And somehow, and at some point, I discovered a person, named Daniel Kish, who founded a non-profit called World Access for the Blind, where he and his instructors teach blind people how to navigate the world using echolocation.

Yes, the same technique that bats, whales, and dolphins use to see.

He even was given the nickname, “The Remarkable Batman.”

He did a TED Talk, where he shared how he ended up blind, how echolocation works, and performed a demonstration to have the audience experience echolocation.

Throughout his talk, he talked about how there’s a lot of fear around the concept of blindness, yet showed a video where blind people are riding bikes, hiking, playing, etc.

And they were all showing emotions other than fear.

He concluded his talk by telling people that our brains have the ability to help us overcome any challenge that life throws our way.

And I believe that 100%.

Early on in my career, I interned at a startup non-profit, where the Executive Director instilled in me that for every problem, there’s always a way to solve it. And oftentimes, there are multiple ways.

That way of thinking has served me well so far, and I believe it’ll continue to serve me well throughout the rest of my life.

So when you encounter issues while running your own business, just know that there is a solution out there.

More importantly, there is a solution out there that’s most suitable for you.

I believe my way of email copywriting and email marketing can be a great solution to those who want to write better emails and develop a highly engaged email list.

But it’s not a solution for everyone.

Not everyone is willing to write an email everyday, and that’s ok.

Not everyone is willing to turn their brain into an idea generator running 24/7, and that’s ok.

But if you are interested, you can start learning about it here:
