Never Say This When You’re On a Call With Me

One of the things I’m thankful for is having the opportunity to be in a leadership position in a startup nonprofit I used to work with long ago. My responsibility was to onboard, train, and support new interns and volunteers.

Whenever problems came up, I’d be the mediator.

And because of that, I developed a lot of patience, empathy, and open-mindedness. So I’m confident enough to say that it’s difficult to irritate me.

Of course, I’m not perfect and I do have some pet peeves that cause me to slip up.

For example:

I don’t like it when people don’t put things back where they found them.

I don’t like it when a person expects someone to hand hold them through a problem instead of thinking and trying to solve the problem themselves first.

People who are ungrateful.

Fun fact: I recently discovered a pet peeve I didn’t even know I had.

And that is when people ask me to pitch them marketing ideas, whether it’s on a sales call or a job interview. What’s even more mind-blowing is that they ask that question when we barely know each other.

Think about it like this:

You’re on a call with someone for the first time. They know a little bit about you, but they haven’t told you anything about their business.

All of a sudden, they ask you something along the lines of, “What are some marketing ideas you can implement?”

Out of all the questions, that is absolutely the worst one they could’ve asked.

And here’s why I think so:

1. You make it look like you’re trying to get free advice out of me.

2. If I were to answer that question, how do you expect me to do it when I have no clue what your current marketing strategies are, what you’re doing that’s working, and what you’re doing that’s not working?

Admittedly, it is my fault for letting the other person ask me that question during a sales call, where I should be controlling the conversation. But I’ll only get better from here.

Hope this information turns out to be useful to you in some sort of way.

In other news, if you want to learn my ways of email copywriting, check out How to Become an Email Titan using the link below.
