Advice You Should Take From a Woman Who Lives As If It’s the 1950s

There was an interesting video I found a few months back called,

“This woman lives every day like it’s 1958.”

And the title wasn’t lying.

A young lady who goes by the name of Laci Fay is who I want to talk about with you today.

The car she drives with her husband.

Everything in her wardrobe, from the hats to the dresses, shoes, and accessories.

Even her house looks like it time traveled from the 1950s.

And to enhance her 1958 lifestyle, she regularly goes to the Bulloch Drug Pharmacy. Yes, it’s a pharmacy but it also has a section where you can order soft drinks and desserts 1950-style.

It even has a nice functioning jukebox as a cherry-on-top.

Thankfully, nobody makes fun of her or thinks it’s weird. In fact, people actually smile when they see her on the streets, or when they visit her house, which makes me smile.

The best part I like about it is that she lives like this because of the stories her grandparents used to tell her back when they lived in the 1950s.

Plus, she said,

“This is who I am and this is what I like and I feel like. You should do what you like to do…”

I couldn’t agree more, especially when it comes to building and running your own business. Because if you do and it’s different, then like Laci Fay’s husband said,

People are going to stop dead in their tracks and have their eyes locked on you.

And if you want to learn how to write emails that are different than the “% off,” or “Last Chance” emails, then I suggest picking up How to Become an Email Titan, reading it, and implementing from this day on.

Here’s the link.
