Man what a year 2019 has been!
It seems only yesterday that I witnessed this moment on TV….
But anyways,
I hung out with a friend on New Years Eve, and we went to his friend’s family party. Didn’t get home until 5AM! Let me tell you, never in my life have I missed my bed so much. And that’s why I’m writing this so late in the day. But despite that feeling, it was definitely worth it!
1. I got to spend time with my friend. Throughout 2019, I understood the importance of building friendships with other people. To be honest, I was never good at that and that’s why my social circle has stayed pretty small for most of my life. That’s why I think 2019 was the best year for me socially.
2. I met an awesome photographer. When I spoke to this person, I knew he was a great person to be around. He had drive, ambition, talent, the whole entrepreneurial package. I always love meeting people like him, and I wouldn’t have if I decided not to go his party.
My takeaway from that night? Always be open to social events. You never know the amazing people you’ll meet.
By the way, I saw some of his pictures, and they are just beautiful! The composition, the color edits, everything! Photography was something I’ve been interested in ever since I took a film photography course in college. Once I upgrade to a digital camera, I’ll just start going crazy and post pictures on my Instagram page.
If you use Instagram and you’re curious to see my upcoming pictures, my profile is here.
Here’s to 2020. May it be one of your best years yet! *Raises a glass of water*
…Yes water. I had enough alcohol on New Years Eve.