This Email Was Totally Sent From My iPhone

Once in a while, I’d get emails that’ll say “Sent from my iPhone” at the bottom. But I’d also see an Unsubscribe link when I’d scroll down further.

It’s as if they think seeing that four word text will make me more likely want to respond.

Other times, I’d see an extremely short email, but the sender would add so much extra space below the signature that I wouldn’t see the Unsubscribe link unless I scroll all the way down.

I’m not sure why these business owners even use these little tricks in the first place. Do they think the people on their email list aren’t smart enough to tell a manually sent email apart from a software sent email?

And believe it or not, there are some copywriters out there who would actually recommend these tricks to their clients.

There was one story I heard where a client hired a well-known copywriter who loves to use these little email marketing tricks. He loves them so much that he used them when he wrote emails for the client.

Long story short, the emails flopped terribly.

He said they were so bad that he could’ve gotten better results if he just wrote them himself blindfolded.

That’s one of the reasons why I don’t take anyone on as clients until they’ve familiarized themselves with my writing and have an idea of what they’re going to get out of working with me.

If that sounds like something you want to do, then here’s the deal.

You can inquire working with me and use my email copywriting services.

Everything from product/service launch email campaigns to cold email campaigns, affiliate campaigns, newsletters (Not the design part), and autoresponder sequences.

Sometimes I get requests to help them with other projects related to:

Sales letters

Website copy

Case studies

Search engine optimized blog posts and articles

I don’t mind doing those too. However, I draw the line at anything social media related.
