There Is No Wall, Only Bricks

As much as I’d like to go on about my experience on the cruise, it has to end at some point.

And that “some point” is today.

It’ll only be a matter of time before you get sick of reading about it and I get sick of writing about it.

Like I mentioned in a previous email, one of my main sources of entertainment was Will Smith’s memoir (Apparently there’s a difference between memoir and autobiography).

It was interesting to learn about how his father, mother, and grandmother influenced his development.

His grandmother taught him kindness.

His mother taught him the importance of education.

And his father taught him order, discipline, putting 100% into everything.

In fact, his father was the first person he introduced in his book.

He told the story of how he and his brother helped his dad build a 20×20 wall in front of his shop when he was 11 years old.

It was a huge task for just two kids, but his father made them work every day.

No matter how much they complained, his father stood his ground and wouldn’t let them off the hook. One day, they complained so much that his father decided to confront him and said,

“Stop thinking about the damn wall! There is no wall. There are only bricks. Your job is to lay this brick perfectly. Then move on to the next brick. Then lay that brick perfectly. Then the next one. Don’t be worrying about no wall. Your only concern is one brick.”

Not even 10 pages in, and Will Smith already shared one of the most important lessons he ever learned. And it’s a great lesson to take away from.

Breaking down an overwhelming project into smaller tasks, as small as you’d like.

Writing a book sounds too intimidating? Write one page a day.

Want to grow an email list up to the millions? Focus on getting one subscriber at a time.

Want to save up for an expensive purchase? Start saving 1% of your monthly income.

I’m sure you get the point now.

Anyways, as soon as I began reading his book, I was instantly hooked and didn’t want to put it down.

And when I find a book that good, I can’t not recommend it to people. So if you’d like to pick it up yourself, I’ll give you the link to it.

NOTE: That is an affiliate link. So if you purchase it through my link, I’ll earn a couple of pennies thanks to Amazon’s gEnErOuS affiliate commission fees.
