The Ones Who Preach “Email Is Dead” Have Been Proven Wrong Once Again

You know what’s ironic?

I was in an ambulance one day and I happened to catch the driver texting while driving.

The person who is taking me to a place where lives get saved is doing something that is risking the lives of everyone in the vehicle.

Looking back, I thought it was a funny moment and figured I’d just share it with you.

But you know what’s even more ironic?

Finding an article titled,

“Why Email Be Obsolete by 2020.”

Speak for yourself Mr. Author.

I’m sitting here, nodding and smiling as I read while I write my next email.

There are some points that I disagree with in this reading.

People are migrating to social media?

There are some who are slowly moving away from it, myself included. The only thing stopping me from leaving some of the platforms is that it’s the primary way of staying in contact with some of my friends.

Spending hours cleaning out unimportant emails?

Curate your inbox more aggressively and start clicking those unsubscribe buttons.

Group discussions getting messy through email?

Not exactly the best idea in the first place.

I mentioned it in How to Become an Email Titan and I’ll say it again here. Email is best used as a one on one personal communication tool.

OK. I’ll stop here before I ramble on endlessly.

But speaking of the book, if you want to improve your email copywriting skills, then check it out using this link.
