How to Deal With Ghosters and Wishy-washy People

I came across a news article with the title, “The strange new trend that’s enraging hiring managers.” But when I read it, it’s actually not a strange trend at all. Employers are having more experiences of job seekers ghosting them. Not only do they show up to their interviews, but there are also people who … Read more

How to Make the Most Monotonous Jobs Fun

I watched a video where a young man who was stuck at a dead-end job at Wendy’s, decided to make the best of his situation. He was a drive-thru worker, and he decided to make his job more fun by speaking to the customers in a sports broadcaster type of voice. And being someone who … Read more

The Supplement Industry disaster

I’ve been doing research on supplements since I’ve been thinking about switching the current ones I consume for different brands. I currently take multivitamins, krill oil, and whey protein powder. Coincidentally, I came across a video about the supplement industry from a man named Spencer Cornelia, and there were some interesting things that we can … Read more

Expressing My Appreciation For Music Remixes

A lot of times when I’m working or playing games, I like to listen to instrumental music. My go-to’s are piano music and classical orchestral music. They’re a lot less distracting than music with vocals, and they just make you feel tranquil. Speaking of classical orchestral music: Recently, I gained a newfound appreciation for a … Read more

But Wait…That’s Racist!

No it’s not. Let me explain what I’m talking about. I started volunteering at an animal shelter and have been going in on the weekends. Last Saturday, I sat through a training session on cat behavior since I’m going to be working with cats soon. When I came in, I was greeted by the volunteer … Read more
