He Needed His Fruits

When I started studying the art of copywriting, one of the first readings I was recommended was Gary Halbert’s Boron Letters. These were daily letters he wrote to his son while he was in prison. He mainly talked to him about health and business, specifically direct marketing. In one of the chapters, he was talking … Read more

Deleting LinkedIn Connections

I find a lot of joy in deleting some of my LinkedIn connections. “But why Ellisen? You never know what opportunities those connections might give you,” said one of my friends. To which I counter-argue, “What connection? If someone randomly connects with me, and doesn’t respond to both my initial greeting message and follow-up message, … Read more

How Does That Make You Feel?

“How does that make you feel?” Said my friend (We’ll call him John) when he was doing an improvised, non-official therapy session with my other friend (We’ll call him Ruben) a few days ago. Without going into too much detail, they were discussing Ruben’s recent end to his romantic relationship. I was doing nothing more … Read more

A Post of Gratitude

Last night, I was on a call with a group of friends that lasted until 1 AM. Before I went to sleep, I did a little bit of journaling and I realized how grateful I am to have them around, especially during a time like this where we’re all socially isolated. To be honest, I … Read more
