“Stop Focusing On the Administrative Things, You Can Always Worry About That Later.”

That’s what the Executive Director of the startup non-profit I used to intern in always told me. A little more context: Whenever we were in the middle of a big program launch, one of the most important components was outreach, whether it’d be making phone calls, posting on social media, sending emails, etc. Especially when … Read more

Mister Rogers’ Lifelong Impact on Children

There’s a saying: Kids are like sponges. They absorb everything they see and hear, regardless if it’s positive or negative. And depending on what the information is, that may or may not affect them into adulthood. For example, I was listening to a conversation about Fred Rogers, also known as the creator of Mister Rogers’ … Read more

How to Write Like the OG Copywriters

In my opinion, if you want to become good at anything, the best way to start learning is to study the pioneers. Back in the days where the Internet didn’t exist, copywriters wrote direct response ads for different types of mediums like newspaper/magazines, mail orders, TV, and radio. And who were these OG copywriters, you … Read more
