How to “Architect” Good Emails

I once watched a video about a person who talked about his experience studying architecture in his undergraduate program. After watching it, the main thing I learned was: “Form follows function.” It’s a quote that you’ll apparently hear quite commonly in the architectural space. It basically means the shape of the building should relate to … Read more

Some Lessons I Learned From My Journey to Become a Hobby-level Music Producer

One of my associates just finished revamping a platform she’s been building for the past two or three years. It was originally a platform for freelancers similar to Upwork and Fiverr, but that concept went in a completely different direction too. Ever since I was introduced to the platform, I’ve been regularly contributing blog posts, … Read more

Why I Find Cold Emails Hot Now

I usually don’t talk about this, but I guess today is the exception. Somebody once asked me, “What makes an effective cold email?” Now, I’m no expert on cold emails. But when I wrote a cold email series for a client months back and saw some results, that made me want to start studying cold … Read more

Witnessing Next Level Marketing

I recently witnessed one of the greatest song promotion campaigns ever. The artist starts off with a YouTube video titled, “Final song before I leave,” making people think he’s quitting the platform, but he later mentions that he’s leaving Earth. He ends the video by playing a demo of his newest space-themed single. Then his … Read more

Analyzing the Myth of Red Car Owners Having Higher Auto Insurance Costs

There’s a myth that owning a red car will increase your auto insurance cost. On the surface level, that’s completely false. When insurance companies calculate your rate, they take into consideration many things, but the color of your car isn’t one of them. But on a psychological level, there actually may be some truth to … Read more

Easy Come, Easy Go

By now, you’ve probably realized how different people treat their money differently. I’ve known people who have no problem spending money. They were willing to spend over $1,000 dollars partying and drinking. They have no problem spending hundreds of dollars impulse buying new stuff that they’d probably stop using after a few weeks. On the … Read more
