The Story of McDonald’s Health Halo

This is part two of yesterday’s Holy Chicken post. I’m going to share, in my opinion, the second most interesting thing I learned from the documentary. Nowadays, so many people are all about healthy, organic food. They want to get their food from Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s. Of course, the fast food industry noticed … Read more

Behold, the Grand Revelation of the Chicken Industry

It’s been over 8 years since I watched the famous American documentary about McDonald’s, “Super Size Me.” Yesterday, I finally watched the sequel, “Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken.” Thank goodness for free YouTube movies with ads. I recommend you watch it at least once because there are a lot of business lessons that you … Read more

Business Casual…How I Don’t Miss You

This thought popped back into my mind earlier today. At the startup nonprofit I used to intern with, their dress code was business casual. And because I used to work there almost five days a week, I’d almost always be wearing a dress shirt, black pants, and worst of all, the ultra uncomfortable dress shoes. … Read more

A Reminder to Drink Water

Whenever I take public transportation, sometimes I see banners telling you to drink water. The fact that there’s a banner to remind people to do something so basic and necessary to our physical health worries me a little bit. But in a certain way, I find it kind of funny too. What’s going to be … Read more

The Secret to Finding Quality Clients and Customers

Depending on what kind of business you’re running, and the kind of clients or customers you’re looking for, there are right and wrong places to look for them. For example: If you’re in a high-end service business looking for clients who value quality results, you wouldn’t want to use platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. Most … Read more
