Capitalism At Its Finest

One of my friends shared some unfortunate news that he may lose his job because the company he has been working for was acquired by another well-established company. Here’s the story. The former CEO allowed a brokerage to invest in the company, and they seemed excited to start working together. A few years later, the … Read more

“Pretty Privileges” Are Invalid In Business

Back in the days when I was a naive teenager, I came across other like-minded teenagers who would complain about good-looking people, that they have unfair advantages in life. Apparently, there’s even a term for it, which is… “Pretty Privilege.” So what are some of the unfair advantages they were speaking of? Well, from my … Read more

The Case Behind Social Media Addiction

Not sure why this randomly popped into my mind. But back in my high school days, I used to take the bus to school. During that time, that was also when everyone started to upgrade to smartphones. And I really started to notice how often people check their phones. Having a high school mentality at … Read more
