McDonald’s Has Reached a New Low

Have you read this article? A week ago, I saw one that actually made me laugh. It was: “McDonald’s apologizes after restaurant in China bans black people.” Apparently they thought Africans in China were causing a second infection wave or something ridiculous like that. So they put up a sign that said, ———- Notice We’ve … Read more

Here’s a Riddle For Ya

How can you multiply your salesforce without… …hiring more people? …spending extra time on sales training? …spending extra money on salary and commission? Give up? The answer is…Email Copywriting! Yes, you probably saw that coming. And I know, it was one of the lamer riddles you’ve heard in your life. But it’s true! Having good … Read more

Wisdom From the Three-Trick Pony

Before the dark age of the coronavirus, I’ve gotten into a couple of different hobbies. Specifically, 1. Photography: It all started when I took a film photography class in college. I fell in love with it despite the long, manual film development process and painful trial and errors of printing the photos. 2. Music production: … Read more

How I Awoken My Inner Mr. Hyde

So last week, I talked about the power of scarcity and my last words were…. “So if you need to add an urgency factor to your offers, creating scarcity is a great way to do so. But make sure you actually follow through with it.” And then I left you hanging. Pretty schmuck move, I’m … Read more

How to Get People to Buy Your Products

You’ve probably heard of the saying: People hate to be sold, but they love to buy. I’m sure you know the feeling. Whenever you buy something new, you get that good dopamine rush. Like when you buy that new book or new course that claims to make you more sales, or a high ticket seminar … Read more

The Power of Red Velvet Ropes

Personally, I’ve never been to a nightclub. I don’t really thrive in that type of environment. But I know enough that they almost always have the glorious VIP section. That isolated area closed off by the Hollywood red velvet rope and guarded by scary-looking bouncers who can end your life with one punch. The area … Read more
