Acting Your Way to Success In Copywriting Without Having to Be As Good as Leonardo DiCaprio

Acting. Is. Hard.

No, I haven’t been casted in a TV show or movie before, but I have helped a friend out with some short skits.

A few months ago, I was involved in one skit where we were making a parody trailer of a movie, and I played a doctor. I didn’t have a lot of lines for this project, but that experience alone was enough to make me realize that acting is not as easy as the professionals make it look.

Because it wasn’t too serious of a project, I didn’t have to invest that much time and effort into it. So I didn’t do any of the “backend” work of studying the character like:

Watching the movie, let alone the trailer.

Studying their behavior.

Their phraseology.

Their quirks.

You know, the necessary things you need to do in order to successfully play the character. Basically, you need to immerse yourself in their world.

Surprisingly, it’s quite similar to copywriting. With copywriting, you have to pretty much go through the same process before you write any copy. You have to study your character, AKA your market. You have to figure out things like:

Their desires.



Likes and dislikes.

Once you do that, your copy will be much more effective, even if you don’t use any persuasive tactics.

That’s what I teach in chapter three of How to Become an Email Titan. Three simple, yet effective methods you can use to create your pinpoint accurate target customer profile. The same methods I use when I work with my clients.

These methods have helped me gather enough information to write a lot of email content for them. I’m talking about weeks worth of content. And it can help you do the same.

If you’re not sure if it’s worth investing $20 in, try reading the sample chapters and see if it’s right for you.

Use this link to get it.
