McDonald’s Has Reached a New Low

Have you read this article?

A week ago, I saw one that actually made me laugh. It was:

“McDonald’s apologizes after restaurant in China bans black people.”

Apparently they thought Africans in China were causing a second infection wave or something ridiculous like that. So they put up a sign that said,



We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant. For the sake of your health consciously notify the local police for medical isolation, please understand the inconvenience caused.

police TEL: 110


That was their ridiculous attempt to minimize the spread.

And if you’re on social media or you’ve been reading the news, you’re probably aware that black people are not the only ones that are being attacked, but Asian people have been under attack too.

Five-years-ago-me would’ve been insulted by this.

Getting angry for no good reason.

Complaining about this with all my friends.

Now I don’t bother with this stuff because no matter how hard people fight or try to bring awareness to these issues, ignorant people will always exist. The people with a life mission to take you down will never go away.

This is especially true when you’re starting your own thing. Whether it’s a personal project or a new business, there are people that’ll tell you,

“You’re not gonna make it.”

And often times it’s the people closest to you. It could be your spouse or your best friend. In my case, it was my mom.

Had I listened to her,

I never would’ve fallen in love with copywriting.

I never would’ve experienced what it’d be like to work with a client for the first time, which felt like an impossible dream at the time.

And I never would’ve met so many amazing people (and they know who they are).

So whatever it is that you’re doing, keep going. Don’t let anyone else stop you.

Take care and stay healthy.

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