Here’s what a real, successful sports gambling operation looks like

It’s not difficult to find “successful” business gurus on YouTube or Instagram, especially the ones who like to show off their rented cars, fat stacks of cash, and jewelry.

But it’s slightly more difficult to find videos of them showing what they do behind the scenes.

Once in a while though, you’ll come across such a gem.

For example:

I follow a content creator named Spencer Cornelia who likes to expose and mock phony sports betting gurus. And while it’s good to see that he presents solid proof that these winning gamblers aren’t as successful as they claim to be, the mockery is what I enjoy the most.


More recently, he released a video that documented how a real successful sports gambler operates their business.

Essentially, the operation requires:

1. A lot of smartphones

2. A lot of money

3. A lot of math

4. Spending hours and hours in front of a computer looking at numbers

It was truly a sophisticated operation. There were even moments in the video where he explained a part of his strategy, which all went over my head since I’m not familiar with the sports betting industry at all.

But it goes to show that if you want to make the big money that all these phony gurus promise, the only way to achieve it is by simply putting in hard work.

There’s no other way around it.

If you’re curious about the video I’m referring to, you can watch it through the link below.

It’s quite interesting.

Happy Friday.

