How to Actively Deepen Your Copywriting Knowledge

Music is an enjoyable thing to listen to no matter which way you listen to it.

And there are really two ways to do so.

1. Passive listening

2. Active listening

Some examples of passive listening are listening to elevator music, or having background music in restaurants in supermarkets. The music is just there to fill the empty silence.

Active listening is a whole different level of listening.

Listening to music actively is similar to how film enthusiasts watch films and movies. They watch a film or movie multiple times to analyze every single scene, catch every single detail and develop a deeper appreciation of it.

So for an active music listener, they analyze the structure of the song, the different types of sounds, the texture of the sounds, and how each layer of sound works with one another to create the overall atmosphere of the song.

Only then will you develop a deeper knowledge of music, and that knowledge will especially be useful when it comes to creating your own.

That may not apply to you, but it does to me.

However, you can take that practice into copywriting as well.

One of the ways you can improve your copywriting, aside from writing, is to analyze successful ads.

Actively reading each and every sentence and figuring out the role that sentence plays in the overall persuasion effort of the ad, I believe, will deepen your copywriting knowledge immensely, especially if you do this consistently.

And if you want a resource where you can find old, but successful ads, go to the link I pasted below.
