Why I Don’t Like How Colleges Prepare Students For Their Future Careers

Throughout my college career, I noticed some problems with how they prepare students for the job searching process.

I mean, that’s not the only problem I noticed. There are a lot more issues I have with college, but I won’t talk about them all today. I’ll save them for another day.

But let’s zoom in on the job search preparation process.

1. Writing

I don’t fully understand what caused this, but I know a lot of people overthink when it comes to writing. Whether it be an email to a hiring manager, or answers to job application questions. And I get it if you’re concerned about if what you’re writing makes logical sense. But I’ve seen people who spent way too much time crafting a simple ‘thank you’ email.

Let’s not even get started on the whole thing about using contractions or not. They say that using contractions isn’t professional. But at the same time, do you want to sound like a robot?

2. Interviews

Part of preparing for interviews is doing research beforehand, which is good. But from what I remember, my advisor, who facilitated my first mock interview, taught me that I should pay close attention to my body language and any minor habits that can potentially be distracting during a conversation.

Yes, things like slouching, hand over your mouth while talking, and chewing gum obnoxiously like a cow are things that you shouldn’t do. But it eventually gets to the point where you lose your own human element. And I’ve seen this happen with my own eyes.

I used to work in a position where I basically took on the role of a hiring manager, which meant going through a lot of interviews. And let me tell you, I met some pretty robotic candidates. If I was the head boss in charge, I would’ve told them to loosen up a bit.

If you haven’t caught on to the point I’m trying to make, it’s this:

Spending all this time to look professionally perfect is not the way to go, in my opinion.

Nobody can relate to perfection.

That’s why I say imperfection is the real perfection.

That’s why email copywriting is so great, because you can sell while being completely yourself, quirks and everything.

And if you do that while using the email copywriting methods I teach in How to Become an Email Titan, you’re going to start to see a nice increase of engagement, and of course, sales.

Here’s the link to the sample chapters.

